Tuesday, February 3, 2015


By Patrick Mburu

Dance has always been celebrated in Kenya,  back during the hippie times to now in our generation. But unlike in our grandparents and parents time where dance was about  practice, innovation to a more better and attractive move, dance today has stagnated. Today, the so called dancers have to be paid to dance innovatively, Kenyans  are dancing  like how they see in music videos, i.e. if they can hack it in our limited dance floors in the many clubs and bars in Kenya. If they can not hack the music dance then they opt to do the same remedial dance that they were taught the first time. That dance that took  them to their happy place. Ladies grind their asses, and dry hump that dude they like or intent to know better and guys pretend they like it just to be able to chipo her later on.

From the rave in Westy, to the one in Langata, to the one in Rongai, to the one in Town, to the one in  Roysambu, to the one in Kasarani, to the one in Naxs, to the one in Naivasha, Coast, Machakos; the trend is the same. It’s like there was a kamkunji that limits you from fully changing the moves to something better. It’s sad that sober guys dance the same moves like wasted people, what's with that? Where is the ulevi pride? Fadhali ungespend pesa buying yourself pizza or some non-dietary foodstuff or even spend that money buying something nice for your parents than drinking yourself to kingdom come, then dancing like your sober, what's the point??

At least that old guy who was there during the 80’s try and blend the new and the old, if he or she doesn’t break a bone and it is easy to do. A young guy who is a copycat will try the same moves to impress and get somewhere, but when there is a change in songs the copycat will crawl back to their shell and do the same remedial dance as before, like two steps forward and fifteen steps behind, that’s retrogressive. According to studies , the first dance practice is in front of a mirror first alone, then in front of family or friends as the audience. Out of experience and observation from different counties, makes me wonder, where is the progress, maybe the next generation will shame you. 

It’s so bad, that ladies dry hump even to gospel, whatever happened to respect to The Almighty or at least religion, just because gospel is being played by our club Dj, your mind hits grinding, that just sad, how is dry humping related to gospel?? Don't say that we are all sinners, even the devil himself respects God, but our club dancers, seriously?? 

 On the bright side, guys who can't dance can imitate people who try to, with their amateur dance moves, in those small dance areas in clubs and bars. Practice in front of the bathroom mirror and perfect the small acquired skill and then go brag that they have the best moves in town, they might get laid as a result, because it is amateur night.