Monday, February 23, 2015


Sometimes you are listening to someone or yourself, the T.V., a song or you are reading a magazine or a status update or you have an experience and something sticks. I have the memory span of a pigeon, so I am always excited when this happens. I’ll try and put down 5 statements, thoughts that have resonated and stayed with me. I hope they will resonate and stay with you as well.

1.      If you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with something original.

This might be true. This statement has made me more daring, so I am usually making a fool out of myself, but in the end, I have realized that I was glad that I tried.

2.      I’ll probably not go down in history, but I will go down on your sister

This is funny because it can be true.

3.      The devil is a lie!

Once again these rappers blew my mind, with their double entendre and deep poetry.  Then I heard the same statement in an R&B song. Statements like this are meant to keep you guessing. My guess was that the black man should refuse his fatalistic instincts and start taking responsibility and charge of his environment. I suddenly became interested in curing cancer.

4.      Feminists have sex for pleasure

This was the hardest and busiest afternoon of my life. It ended with a lecture and I was convinced to stop watching porn.

5.      Does the question, “When are you going to settle down?”
a.      Motivate you
b.      Amuse you
c.       Provoke homicidal thoughts

As soon as I read this question on this magazine called Couture, I started looking for strong sturdy areas where I could secure a rope with a noose. I became obsessed and I was now scanning roofs in the office, in class, street lights. Apparently it had the answer on the next paragraph. This motivated me to stop reading fashion magazines.

We should all try and forget more. Gin helps sometimes!

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